
History and wine

Enjoy the experience of culture and wine.

You will learn about the Desvalls family’s history and the history of Catalonia.

Discover the fascinating Desvalls Family Interpretation Centre at Finca Viladellops, a gem for learning about the family’s history and that of Catalonia. With a rich history spanning several centuries, this wine estate offers a unique experience for wine and culture lovers.

35,00 2 hours

You will enter the world of the Desvalls, a noble family that has left an indisputable legacy in the region. The Interpretation Centre is a dynamic and interactive space that will take you on a journey through time to discover the secrets of this wine family and its impact on the wine-making culture of Catalonia.

The visit includes:

  • Visit to the Desvalls Family Interpretation Centre
  • Tasting of 3 premium wines at the end of the visit (without pairing)
  • Visit of the traditional float of the Desvalls family; an emblematic and historical element.

Additional information:

  • Adults only.
  • Start time: 11 am

Private wine tours

If you prefer to enjoy a private visit adapted to your needs (day/time) contact us for more information.

Booking conditions

  • Punctuality clause: a maximum of 10 minutes of courtesy will be expected.
  • Refund clause: If you do not come to the visit, no refunds are made unless there is a justifiable case and notified 48 hours before the visit.

frequently asked questions

What do they say about us?

  • Gràcies Isabel per compartir amb nosaltres el teu temps! Ha sigut una visita molt amable i propera i els vins.... Una meravella!!!!

    Alex Klein Avatar Alex Klein

    A brilliant evening spent here with our wonderful guide Ingrid and other lovely people we met on the tour. Ending the evening a few glasses of wine from the vineyards and some good conversation made for a fantastic experience. Recommend a visit wholeheartedly!

    Christine Maksoud Avatar Christine Maksoud

    Gracias Eva por tu dedicación, hemos pasado un muy buen rato y degustado buenos vinos. Lo recomiendo.

    rafael santangelo Avatar rafael santangelo
  • Molt bona experiència tan a la visita a la bodega com el restaurant. No poso un 5 pq alguns vins del tast que ens van agradar no tenien stock. El restaurant es menja molt bé. Tot el conjunt és molt maco. Tan la Deborah com la Elisabet molt agradables.

    Salva Arenas Sala Avatar Salva Arenas Sala

    Fantastico, good service, really effective and rapid responses !!

    Carolyne Perron Avatar Carolyne Perron

    Hermoso lugar, se realizó una boda y fue todo maravilloso, linda vista, lugar acogedor para comer y con un ambiente de viña antigua.

    Gloria Canosa Avatar Gloria Canosa
  • We had a lovely and very instructive tour of this charming winery. Our guide was knowledgeable and amiable. The tour ended with a pleasant wine tasting experience.

    Alessandro De Chiara Avatar Alessandro De Chiara

    La festa va ser un exit, totes les persones convidades van sentir-se a gust i van gaudir del lloc, del bon servei i de la qualitat de tots els productes. A més, es van adaptar a les meves necessitats i la comunicació va ser fàcil i fluida. Experiencia per repetir.

    Irene Granados Avatar Irene Granados

    We had a great day. The place is very beautiful and the visit very interesting. The wine we tasted were amazing! Thank you villadellops team!

    Alvaro Galindo Martinez Avatar Alvaro Galindo Martinez
  • Underbart ställe med anor ända tillbaka till den moriska tiden. Mycket intressant guidat tur och en fantastisk provning. Kan varmt rekommenderas.

    Lars Gezelius Avatar Lars Gezelius

    Fantastic wine tour with Ingrid as our guide! Discovered amazing Catalan wines and learned about the local area and Catalonia history. Definitely recommend!!!

    Louis Fiore Avatar Louis Fiore

    Hermosa experiencia recorriendo viñedos, bodega y el pintoresco pueblo de Viladellops que tiene una apasionante historia de 1000 años. Todo explicado con gran simpatía y sabiduría por la sumiller Ingrid. Visitamos la capilla, la torre de control y el museo con la rica historia de la familia Desvall. Todo terminó con una degustación guiada magníficamente por Ingrid donde disfrutamos de sus vinos ecológicos de variedades autóctonas como la Garnacha y el Xarello. Muchas gracias !

    Fernando Krasnov Avatar Fernando Krasnov
  • unique place to enjoy an already unique wine.

    Chris Bouckaert Avatar Chris Bouckaert

    We enjoyed a lot the visit with our perfect tour guide Ingrid. She explained us everything very well and made us the visit much more interesting! Great wines and great place!!!

    Vanessa Eneriz Avatar Vanessa Eneriz

    This gorgeous little winery is only about 15 minutes from Sitges and is a little gem. We enjoyed a lovely tour of the vineyard and by our guide Ingrid, who explained the wine making process, the history of the winery, the village and also Catalonia. The views are lovely, and the tour ended with tastings of some excellent wines and cavas. The whole experience was well organized, the winery is easy to get to and parking is also easy. We highly recommend a visit here. Ask for Ingrid!!

    Kent G Avatar Kent G
  • Absolutely amazing. Very authentic experience as it’s a small family run winery. Someone from the family shows you around, and it’s not only about the cellar but you get to know so much about the history of the area and Catalunya in general (they are very knowledgeable!). You can see the passion they work with not only in the land but also in the wines. They are certified organic and they take this attitude also when it comes to the buildings and the landscape in general. Even for the white wines they leave them to naturally clarify and don’t add additives and they keep their sulfate level very low. On top if it there are also a lot of walking/hiking trails passing through the property so you can make it into a fun holiday too. Would suggest writing/calling in advance,as I said it’s a family run business. They speak English too 🙂

    Martina B Avatar Martina B

    Amazing wine tour with Ingrid and the food truck was incredible. Loved celebrating my birthday here and I will be returning for more

    Brian Spencer Avatar Brian Spencer

    Marcelo, the owner and our tour guide for the afternoon, was absolutely amazing. He was so gracious with his time, his knowledge and passion for his family's history and the wine they produced was intoxicating. The scenery and property is breathtaking and the wine delicious. We had such a phenomenal time, thank you to Marcelo and his team for making this a memorable experience. We will definitely recommend to all of our friends and family.

    Nathan Gopman Avatar Nathan Gopman
  • exceptional wines!

    Alexander Averin Avatar Alexander Averin

    The village be is fascinating and well signposted. Unfortunately the cellar was closed

    Tricia Entwistle Avatar Tricia Entwistle


    Rodziewicz Marta Avatar Rodziewicz Marta
  • El lloc és extraordinari. La visita integra natura, història i passió pel vi. Els vins, com no pot ser d’altra manera, són excel·lents. Convé no perdre's la posta de sol des del Food Truck. Una de les millors experiències de l'estiu.

    Marc Queralt i Bassa Avatar Marc Queralt i Bassa

    Beautiful winery and a fantastic guide that gave us an historical tour. We love the wines, specially Turo de les Abelles. We were so lucky to be in February and to see the Almond trees blooming ♥️????♥️

    Viveka Blom Nygren Avatar Viveka Blom Nygren

    Espectacular. Els propietaris. La història. El lloc. Els vins… tot genial. Un 10 sobre 10. Per tornar-hi! ????????

    Montse Boldú Avatar Montse Boldú
  • Experiencia muy recomendable! Cata de 4 vinos y visita de bodega, viñedos y algo de historia de la zona. Muy interesante, gracias Eva por tu buen hacer.

    Màrius Cuadrat Avatar Màrius Cuadrat

    El lloc és ideal i el vi una meravella. Vam gaudir d’un vespre fantàstic amb bon amics.

    Olga Martínez Passarell Avatar Olga Martínez Passarell

    Una visita estupenda, un rincón con una historia apasionante y una bodega muy chula para visitar, la guía Eva fantástica y el vino un referente en la zona, volveremos.

    Sergio Ferban Avatar Sergio Ferban
  • Fantastic thanks for letting me know

    Herman Mensen Avatar Herman Mensen

    Una experiencia totalmente recomendable. Eva es una sumiller, guía y amiga estupenda. Te regala una experiencia para todos tus sentidos que jamás hubiese esperado. ¿De los vinos qué hablar? Todo elegancia, equilibrio, delicadeza y honradez. Una visita totalmente obligada !!!

    Edmundo Mesa Avatar Edmundo Mesa

    Very pretty picturesque little village. Lovely.

    joan carles ventura francos (Carlus) Avatar joan carles ventura francos (Carlus)

The Finca Viladellops historical visit

When you arrive at Finca Viladellops, you can see a magnificent panorama of vineyards that stretch as far as the eye can see. Its privileged location in the Garraf Massif makes this visit an essential stop for wine lovers.

Once inside, you will immerse yourself in a cosy and elegant atmosphere. History echoes in every corner, while the seductive aromas of oak barrels permeate the air. An expert guide will accompany you during the tour, sharing fascinating stories and anecdotes about the Desvalls and their connection with the world of wine. Another highlight is the Desvalls Family Archive, which houses an impressive collection of historical documents and objects. Here, you can admire old books, handwritten letters and family portraits that reflect this family’s richness and love for its land and wine. Don’t forget to enjoy the wine tasting at the end of the visit. The expert sommeliers will offer you a selection of high-quality wines made from the vineyards of Finca Viladellops. You will discover the seductive aromas and exceptional flavours of these unique wines, which reflect the work and passion of the Desvalls family.

Book your visit and come to Finca Viladellops

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